
Showing posts from March, 2023

3 Tips For Planting Bamboo Plants In The Ground

Every year, an estimated 15 million new bamboo plants are planted in Australia alone, yet many of these plants fail to take root and grow as they should. The good news is that there are several things you can do to help your bamboo plant become healthy and establish itself quickly in the ground.  Bamboo plants are one of the most versatile plants in the plant kingdom, being used in everything from construction to flooring. However, if you’re wanting to plant bamboo to enjoy its beauty and cool shade, you’ll need to know how to properly plant it in the ground. This will ensure that your bamboo takes root and grows into an impressive specimen, giving you years of enjoyment from this time-tested houseplant. There are two ways to plant bamboo plants, directly in the ground or in containers. The way you choose to plant your bamboo will depend on the type of bamboo, your budget and the amount of time you want to put into it. The hardy types of bamboo can easily be planted directly in the gr